About Goldengel


You enjoy your life, we take care of your daily tasks

A partner for all your desires!

If, for various reasons, you are unable to get your daily tasks done, Goldengel is here to help you! Our goal is it to satisfy all your desires. There is anything you need help with, we will send one of our Golden Angels to you, to get it done. Book our well-trained, insured Golden Angels, to ease your life. Prior starting employment with us, all our angels have to produce an immaculate penal clearance certificate for your safety. Furthermore they are very motivated, open-minded and socially engaged.


Meet our Golden Angels


Heiko Biermas



``Personnel management is a great challenge I enjoy, working at Goldengel.``

Dr. Martina Weiss


A small selection of our Golden Angels,

who are there for you every day of the year.



Golden Angel


Golden Angel


Golden Angel


Golden Angel


Golden Angel


Golden Angel


Golden Angel


Golden Angel


Golden Angel


Golden Angel


Golden Angel


Golden Angel


Golden Angel


Golden Angel


With new shareholders, and an updated legal form, Goldengel GmbH, headquartered in Wiesbaden, Germany, began operating on August, 1 2014. The company offers a wide range of services for individual consumers, property management companies, as well as providers of residential care and social support. The services, which are performed by a team of dedicated and experienced “Golden angels” (Goldengel, in German), include everyday household help, senior care assistance, child care, pet care, personal assistance services, interior decorating and remodelling all the way to complete renovation of houses and flats.

The new partners, are highly experienced managers with laudable backgrounds in the service sector. The proximity to local craftspersons, coupled with good contacts with professional service providers, enable individual solutions for even larger tasks. Nevertheless, the core mission of Goldengel is to provide relief in and around the household. Thus, ”More time to live” is the slogan of the company. Marcus Dörner, founder and creative director, puts it succinctly: “We want to relieve people who, because of their professional or private life, need support in getting the everyday things done. The purpose and value of this support is for the customer to have more time for cultural, sporting or social activities, thus improving their quality of life.”

Concerning the golden angels dedication to quality of service, the care of elderly and disabled people, or people with dementia, places a heavy burden on families. All too often, this burden falls on one person. The Golden angel does not deal with elder care in the traditional sense but rather wants to provide what geriatric care givers cannot, either due to time or financial reasons.

“Qualified care providers must look after the whole person, body, mind and spirit. This means that the time our Golden angels spend with people must be meaningful time, time that stimulates them cognitively, thereby preserving and strengthening their individual capabilities. This is yet another objective of our work.”

Our head of Sales, comments: ”Our customers feel reassured, particularly when they know that their loved ones and their homes are in good hands. What good is having additional free time when this ‘time-gain’ becomes a source of worry? We, therefore, select only people of impeccable reputation, with good hearts and minds, to be Golden angels.”

Besides our household help and support services, Goldengel has something to offer concerning nutrition, as well. At the customer’s request, the Golden angel will look after the nourishment of those in their charge, from choosing what to purchase, to cooking and eating together. Marcus Dörner believes that people living alone in particular often neglect their diet. Less quantitative, more qualitative. “Shopping together, cooking together and eating together go beyond basic care. This means quality of life in both senses. Society and Health are the focus of our Golden angels.” Mr. Dörner goes on to say, “This, especially, will increase the quality of life of the customer in myriad ways.” Last but not least, the Golden angel offers nutritional counselling and can help in the preparation of shopping lists. Moreover, should you wish to entertain larger groups of guests, or hold a specially themed cooking class, a Golden angel will gladly come to your home.

For chores around the house, yard and garden Goldengel has established a network of partnerships with specialised companies. These services range from lawn mowing to maintenance, even to repair of entire swimming pools. ”If the customer desires it, we’ll renovate their house or apartment during their holiday, just the way they want it, on time and within the agreed cost structure. Solutions from a single source, from moving furniture to hanging pictures, means having only one contact person, without having to worry about dealing with numerous companies; these are the requirements of our customers in the modern service economy.”

Goldengel GmbH positions itself as a premium service provider, leaving no doubt among the shareholders that all employees must be carefully selected, required to submit to a criminal records check and possess a clean Police Certificate. Conversely, it goes without saying that those in the employment of Goldengel GmbH will be provided with social and liability insurance, and will be paid a fair wage in accordance with German law.

For this reason, the creed of our shareholders is, “We employ neither contract workers nor make use of sources of inexpensive labor, e.g., employment agencies in Eastern Europe.” The company’s goal is to facilitate the development of a social bond between our customers and “their” Golden angels. This connection builds trust and contributes to both, care giver and recipient, deriving satisfaction from their time spent together. Humans and “Angels”.